Thursday, November 03, 2005


wow ... I mean ... wow ... It just goes to show the lengths people will go to for a little revenge. Click here to see what I mean. Seriously though, I can no longer be considered a sick, twisted f*ck when there are people out there that actually do that.

But first let's break it down:
  1. Dude missed his ex, even though they mention twice how he has moved on, and has a new love.
  2. She called him up, picked him up, and brought him over. She then crazy glued his nuts to his leg, clamped his ass shut, and stuck his dick to his stomach. Finally she woke him up and sent him packing buck naked in the middle of the night. (INSERT: Small round of applause for coming up with something that just brings a warm feeling to the lump of coal in my chest.)
  3. He is suing her for damages because he's had to make numerous visits to the doctor, and she claims it used to be part of their sex lives ... the whole gluing shit together ... because yeah ... that's just HOT!
Does anyone see where I'm going with this? So this guy has "moved on" has he? So if I understand this correctly moving on means having a girlfriend, but missing the ex enough to agree to meet ... which is fine ... and then getting all hot and heavy to the point where you're naked and passed out. Obviously this guy has moved on and he probably was just looking to stick it in one more time ... unfortunately it was one too many.

If you ask me ... dude got what he deserved. I say congratulations to the psycho bitch for coming up with this, but here's a question for you honey - premeditatted crazy gluing body parts together just screams CRAZY! Maybe that's why no one wants to go out with your sorry ass! Seriously ... most people get drunk, take up a hobby or try to preoccupy their time with something else, BUT not you! Nope instead you think of ways to crazy glue his sack to his leg, and shut his ass. Now that is nutty ... but at the same time I can appreciate the time, effort, and thought you put into it.

Honestly ... I wish I could have seen the doctor's face when this guy showed up. Here are some thoughts that might make you chuckle:
  1. How do you keep a straight face when this guy takes off his clothing and everything is crazy glued all over the place?
  2. Also with his nut attached to his leg, how do you walk without tearing, or at least causing yourself extreme pain? My guess is ... he used baby steps.
  3. Next up - taking a dump ... It must have been a real pain in the ass to squeeze one out, and on top of that just imagine trying to clean in there ... Some one must have wreaked of shit - literally.
  4. Finally - peeing. I hope to God that when she glued his cock, she made sure that it was pointing directly up and toward his face. HAHAHAHAHAHA
So there you have it ... proof yet again, that while I may be somewhat disturbed, there are bigger retards roaming the Earth.

p.s. Am I just old? or do all couples use crazy glue ... I mean for my personal knowledge, is that the new "in" thing to do? Also, as long as she is crazy gluing everything, why didn't she crazy glue one hand to his pecker, and another to his ass ... just a thought, oh well maybe next time she'll get it right.

p.p.s. I'm guessing this guy no longer has a girlfriend, and hopefully all of his friends laugh at him ALL THE TIME!

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