Friday, October 21, 2005

Sh*t Kicking Retards

Ahhhh .... just a quick side note regarding the title of this latest post. By 'retards' I do not intend to mean those who are mentally deficient due to some neurological or genetic defect ... no by 'retards' I mean individuals who should be functioning at a normal or at least somewhat intelligent level but for whatever reason being idiots, slow, dumb, stupid … basically are retarded in their functioning … see what I mean? If you don’t then you, yes YOU may actually be one of the ‘retards’. Also by sh*t kicking, I don’t mean that they themselves are doing anything of the sort, I am trying to say that given the chance I would LOVE to kick the living sh*t out of them. Yes that’s right, kick them so hard that they actually release – even if it’s only a pebble – a small piece of themselves. Sounds sick doesn’t it, but think about the immense amount of satisfaction that would bring you.

Now I’m not an angry person although judging by my posts it would seem that way. On the contrary, I would rather be discussing the various ways of implementing a large dose of pleasure into my life. This could be through manual stimulation, mental stimulation, or by purchasing that one item that for a small amount of time would bring you great happiness. While I don’t always agree with people’s choice of items (i.e. prostitutes, children, small furry woodland creatures), I cannot really get upset with them because that is what brings them happiness. In some cases it could be flowers, in other cases it could be a priceless artifact that you then give to someone else. In other cases it could be said artifact that you then smash into itty bitty pieces with a club fashioned from the severed arms of chimps – they were bad monkeys – while the person that you would have given the item to watches and cries an endless river as you gleefully giggle and drool and smash and … ummmm … So yeah not usually angry … sick maybe, loopy perhaps, angry not really …

Anyways where was I … oh yes sh*t kicking retards. Is it just me or does it almost seem like the world is going down the crapper. I mean the proportion of idiots seems to be growing. Far worse than the spread of any disease, plague or natural disaster is this new … I don’t even know what to call it … anusism (defn:The increase in the amount of dumbasses walking amongst us.) Maybe all these new plagues, etc. is God’s little way of saying “My bad, let me clean up some of the mess.” Maybe he accidentally used a little too much ass when making a batch of people … who knows but for whatever reason they’re everywhere and it’s driving me nuts. I don’t necessarily want to pummel, beat or kill them, but it would be nice if we could just transport them to some small island somewhere, let them fend for themselves, and mark their location on a map with the picture of a big ass … then … once it becomes financially feasible, I could fly my jet over the island and blast the sh*t out of them with some napalm. I could even charge other people for the opportunity to do so – I know each and every one of you know of someone you would like to do this to …

So that’s it … I am trying to end Anusism. All those who are with me, if there is anyone out there … you’re a sick sick individual. What moron would follow any of what I have just proposed … YOU my friend are now the first person on that island may the napalm torch/touch your soul.

p.s. for those who know me … sorry … it’s been a long morning, and the little man in my head has yet to awaken, leaving me free to these random and sometimes violent thoughts …

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