Thursday, October 26, 2006

Mind Bending Minutiae

That's where I'm at bending the wrinkles out of shite ... usually when life gives me potatoes, I make vodka .. but right about now, there's nothing to fix this crap ... especially not vodka.

At least that's what it feels like. I mean none of this would be so bad if there just didn't seem to be so much. It's almost like every other day it's something new ... just God's or the Fates' little way of saying "Hey there sunshine, let me shove this up your a$$."

All in all ... I guess I really shouldn't complain. There are people out there that have it far worse. It's just that right now ... especially right now, Murphy's Law seems to be humming along at 250 MPH ... Whatever can go wrong, will. Pick anything, ANYTHING, and I can tell you what's going wrong ...

I thought I would say more, but I'm just too damn tired of thinking about all this crap ... hence the title of this post ... MIND BENDING MINUTIAE. I guess that's just life ... What did I say before? Life handing out a lot of strikes but it's how you deal with it that defines who you are ... DAMN IT I hate it when I'm right. I don't want to be a hypocrite either, so I guess I have no choice BUT to deal ... hmmm, I think that's pretty much it.

I guess I just needed to vent. Venting into cyberspace. So that someone in New Dehli can read what some lunatic Canadian is writing about. Dude will probably call me up to see if I need some customer support.

For more on Murphy's Law click here.

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