Monday, December 04, 2006

humbled ...

Sorry haven't been posting as much ... I guess I've just been busy, and in my attempts at quelling my propensity for over thinking, I've been avoiding sitting down to write. That being said, just thought I would keep this one light.

Something happened on Friday that just makes me laugh, and apparently makes other people laugh (you know who YOU are ... i admit it's funny) ... at myself. Let me lay out the scenario. I was downtown and had just registered for a few classes at the university. It was a miserable day, with rain coming down and the temperature hovering somewhere between water and snow ... which inevitably leads to ice. I was heading up to the bus stop when I saw that MY bus was there ... I was too far away and decided that I would just have to suffer and wait for the next one. Fortunately or unfortunately the fates provided me with a traffic light, stopping the bus, and allowing me enough time to make it ... problem is I had to run.

So now we've covered the environmental variables, the events, and the thoughts running through my mind.

I sprinted up the street, getting drenched in water with each step, although I figured it would be worth it as long as I could make the safety and warmth of the bus. I got to the door and put on the breaks when certain laws of physics came into play ...

problem 1 - there's ice all over the sidewalk
problem 2 - I was really booking it
problem 3 - these shoes were made for walking ... not coming to instant stops

I'm sure you can all figure out what happened next. I slipped ... I fell ... I slid ... right ... by ... the window. I got up dusted myself off, and with what little dignity remained, I made the conscious decision to get on the bus even though I wanted to just keep on walking.

I got on the bus - which was full by the way - and quietly stood in all my soaking glory, trying hard to not acknowledge the fact that my entire ass was dripping, or that I could feel a hundred eyes staring and people smiling ... brutal. So I did what anyone would do ... I stared into space and pretended that everything was ok ... while I tried to not laugh at the entire situation, but I sure was grinning like an idiot.

Definitely one of the more humbling moments of my recent past ... but I'll admit, if I saw that happen to someone elsee ... I'd probably be laughing too :)

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