Saturday, November 18, 2006

I can change the world ...

I can change the world and I'm going to ...

How I'm not quite sure ... yet, but I know I have time, and I have a true desire to do so.

Over the past year I've wanted to do something ... some sort of volunteering or anything that I thought would be helpful to someone else. This feeling had been intensified these past few weeks when I was trying desperately to help someone who I care about ... and while I don't know if I can ... after much thought I realized that this desire did not need to stop ... I guess it's all a part of growing up.

So where does that leave me? I'm not quite sure. I've began the initial steps of formulating a plan in my mind. It's still very rough ... but I think with enough thought, and effort, it is completely feasible. In 5-10 yrs. from now I would like to have some sort of foundation set up ... to help people ... How will I help them? I'm not quite sure, but I have time to figure it out. What I do know is that I would like to set it up like a business ... so my current path is more or less a training period. I also hope that should everything work it would give me the initial capital to start, and then additional funds can be acquired through fund raising, and grants ... I've also taken the initial steps of volunteering through a friend. I'm hoping by doing that it will give me some idea as to the what, where or how of my plan. All I do know is that this plan is at least 5 years away ... and that I would like it to be global, and not local ... I think it's all very feasible as long as I remind myself of why I am doing it.

I know people probably think I'm crazy, or that this is just a thought for "now", but I've really put a lot of time in thinking about this, and the people that know me know I think a lot ... I guess time will be the true judge ...

So why am I writing this? I guess so I never forget ... and to that person, although I don't know if I'll ever say it directly to you but I hope I do ... thank you.

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