Monday, January 15, 2007


Just a few quick questions and hopefully I'll keep this short ... although I've said that before.

Why is it that we turn to alcohol, drugs, etc. to escape our problems? Where is the benefit in that? How are we really helping ourselves? I can speak from personal experience in saying that it doesn't really benefit anyone ... especially not ourselves.

I guess running from problems defeats the purpose. Problems exist because it's a situation that requires thought to formulate some solution ... drinking, etc. just leads to a momentary numbness that doesn't allow you to come up with any solution. It does provide you with that escape ... that numbness that allows you to believe you're existing without having to deal with ... anything. In reality though you can't be numb all the time. It's just not possible. Your body rebels for a reason. Comfortably numb doesn't exist and for those who believe they have found it are simply in a state of denial. What kind of life do you live when you're numb all the time? How can you not feel ... how can you deny yourself the basic necessities of being human ... emotion and thought ...

There is no escape from life ... sh*t just happens ... it's how you deal with it that tells the world just what kind of person you are ... there is no escape.

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